Monday, January 7, 2013

Shopping update nr. 7

Hello guy! and happy New year! I know quite late XD
I was so busy during xmas holidays, sorry for not updating ;___; I was doing stuff to school or sleeping or watching movies XD
And also I started to work on one blog with my friend, blog with jgv downloads >D don't judge me!

anyway. . . I didn't get anything special for the xmas, just lots of money from my dad. . . I can save them for my trip(s) to London~

but still I have shopping update of things I have bought last month~

my laptop Asagi finally got 1T harddisc, he is so happy now XD

masquerade mask for my maturita prom

LOTS OF posters *-*

black bowler from ebay, scarf with crosses from C&A


finally, my first brand item by SexPot Revenge *-* it was so cheap! from Closet cleaning

cool top from Topshop (from votočvohoz)

ring with dragon Smaug >D

Sherlock! yay, finally I have Sherlock tshirt, very cheap from Qwertee

Star Wars books, really cheap from Aiko on facebook *-*

and also LOTR books, each for 50czk x3

I found this amazing lolita/aristo shirt in our local second hand, only for 120czk *-*

magazines and little posters from Hobbit :"3
I saw The Hobbit twice, I love it so much, I would go to the cinema one more time, or twice... XD
And what about you? did you see it? did you like it, precious? :'D


  1. OMIGOSH,I love ur laptop,posters,masquerade mask and books,so fabulous gets!! ^^

  2. Ocenila bych, kdyby sis přestala kupovat tolik krásných věcí, abych tu nemusela sedět zelená závistí :D Děkuji.

    1. neee XD speciálně pro tebe tam dám warning na začátek abys dál nečetla XDDD

  3. Pretty cool stuff. Like really. *_*

    You got tagged - again (;

  4. p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-páááááááááááááááááááááán prstenůůůůůůůůůůů závist T___________T ♥

  5. *w* uzasne veci~, miluji SPR*(*´∀`*)☆
    mam ten dojem, ze jsem dostala uplne stejnou salu xD

    1. já taky *A*
      je to možné, je z C&A, je naprosto skvělá, tak proč ji nekoupit když už se v našich obchodech najde něco takového XD
