Wednesday, September 5, 2012

nooo school is here -.-"

oh, hello guys! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

fuu, school began and i'm tired and busy all days ((o(-゛-;) and also lazy, stupid school, makes me exhausting! (#`ε´#) well, i'm in last year of secondary school, so this year will be very difficult, exhausting etc.
I hope I will manage my graduation exams well.

well, i'm going to write another articles about my holidays following days...concert, meeting in Ostava ♥

now, i will just show you which dress i would like to wear on my prom (*^o^*)/~
well, it's really expensive but i will try to talk with my mum...

the mint/blue one *-*

and the last thing, Doctor with Donna in one show as a english teacher and student, i just love it!
Cath is brilliant!
Kyo for you~ XD


  1. I hope you'll graduate well... but don't you think such a dress is... too much for graduation?
    I mean - it's a big deal, I know - I graduated this spring... but anyway... I guess if you'll finish university or something like that... this is the occation for such a brilliant dress.
    At least that's my opinion... u3u;

    1. well, i dunno how it is going in your country but here (mainly at my school is it really big deal.. the prom ball) is quite a big occasion. i'm not into it like my classmates but, i would like to have beutiful dress ^^ i won't have this dress anyway... my mom doesn't approve it.. so i will have some kind of purple dress ^^

    2. Oh. So than it's different. But I'm sure you'll find another beautiful dress.
      It's a big deal in Germany as well... but I think there are still bigger occations... (;

      BTW: You got tagged :D

    3. yeah, i hope so ^^

      oh, ok XD it's just a small challenge, i will do it XD

  2. Oh, ty šaty jsou nádherné!!!

    Momentálně mne škola šíleně zabíjí :( mám pocit, že tam usnu nebo že mi praskne hlava.

    1. Mě taky, nedokážu si představit, že teď tak zas budu žít dalších několik měsíců -.-"

  3. ty saty vypadaji uzasne^.^
    skola je hrozna jako vzdy>>, opravdu pred chvili skoncily prazdniny? oO

    1. :3
      bohužel -.-" pořád se mi tomu nechce věřit, že to tak uteklo ://

  4. a kde se takový šaty kupujou? ♥

    1. tak to jedu do Oloumouce pac ty tyrkysovy jsou dokonaly!!

    2. jsou, škoda, že by mi asi ani ta barva neslušela když už mi je nikdo nezaplatí -.-"

    3. kolik stojej? a nemas odkaz na ten salon? teda pokud maj stranky...

    4. 2800,- za půjčení , olomoucky salón L'amour myslím
