Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Need list!

I need lots of stuff imidiately! XD and there is lots of things I want but don't need them, but... this is important!
I'm going to go shopping with my friend on Wednesday in Ostrava, i'm looking forward to it ♥ and then on Thursday i'm going to go to city centre to buy another stuff XD

the summer is comming...
I need/want sunglasses for...two or three years but none of them fit me T__T I have small head XD

something like this..

-black, something simple, pockets, not school bag, not too big, not too small...
-for trips etc..
I have already ordered one
cool, isn't it? ♥

Blue scarf
this this this I just found on ebay! I need this for Kaito cosplay!
I hope nobody will take me it, it's auction oO

Eyebrow pencil
-hmm, I just need a new one, because the old one is weird XD
Lip salve
- my lips are really dry ;__; because of cold

-my first chopsticks are broken and the another ones are... well, I need new XD
Darth Vader chopsticks *_____* must have!

Ticket for BLOOD
-they will be in Prague days later! I can't wait ♥

and I decided... I want lip piercing *,* but first I have to ask my mum -___-" I think she won't allow me that.. but i'm adult! x___X

Friday, March 23, 2012

Animeshow 2012

I had really great time!

our group on Saturday ♥
Ayame, Arii and me ^^

so in points...
  • I went to Bratislava on friday already to spend more time with Ayame and Arii ♥
  • we watched Doctor Who! but only 3 or 4 episodes T.T
  • I hate buses, trams etc in Bratislava XD too old
  • I shouldn't wear there new creepers, my feet hurt very much >,<
  • I couln't sleep well both of nights ;__; first night I slept on the floor XD
  • In Tesko in Slovakia they have very very very delicious cookies *-* but not in our Tesko >,<
  • we got cheeper admission, yay
  • We went to see the lecture called Harry Potter vs. Doctor Who, it was really brilliant and funny x3 ♥
v bodech:
  • Jela jsem do Bratislavy už v pátek, abych mohla strávit více času s Ayame a Arii ♥
  • dívaly jsme se na Doctora Who! ale jen tři nebo čtyři díly :/
  • nesnáším MHD v Blavě, je to všechno na rozpadnutí XDD
  • fakt jsem si neměla vzít ty nový creepersky, odřela jsem si nohy :/ Ayame mi pak půjčila její
  • moc jsem nespala ;__; pořád jsem se budila -.- a jednu noc sem spala na zemi XD
  • v Blavě v Tesku mají úplně dokonale dobré cookies *-* u nás je asi nemaj T-T
  • měly jsme levnější vstupné díky jednomu pánovi ^^
  • byly jsme na přednášce Harry Potter vs. Doctor Who, byla skvělá x3 (jediná přednáška na které sme byly XD)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Shopping update nr. 2

a little shopping update from 6th March... it took so long untill it came >,< only because of Cure magazine 101... and in the end it was sold out anyway x___X" they returned my money back but still...
well, at least I have D calendar, fan and Blue Planet Japan bracelet (support Japan) ♥

Asagiiiiii ♥

And... FINALLY!!! (yeah, finally -___- *tired*) my creepers arrived yeasterday! ♥
I fought I will have to pay taxes but I didn't have to, yay!
they are really beautiful, I love them x3
I was wearing them today, I went shopping (actually didn't buy anything) and my skin is now injured ;__;

A KONEČNĚ!!! (jop, konečně -___- *unavená*) mi přišly creepersky!!! ♥
mylsela jsem, že budu platit clo, ale nakonec nic, yay ^^
jsou nádherné, miluju je x3
Dneska jsem v nich šla do města, no a jak už to bývá u nových bot, mám rozedřenou kůži x__X
doufám, že v nich přežiju Animeshow...

sooo, that's all ^^

for the last time~

i'm blond...! say good bye~

I took lots of photos yeasterday... my hair looked very cool and photos came out well, i think i look sexy there >D *egoist*
It's very photoshoped, but I love these colours ♥

oh, and the title... i'm blue haired now XD ♥ I hope it will last long and won´t wash out oO
I will upload new photos later~ I think you don't want to look at my face all the time XD

naposled... jsem blond! řekněte sbohem~

Včera jsme nafotila spoustu fotek... měla jsem po dlouhé době skvělé vlasy a fotky vypadaly dost dobře, myslím, že jsem sexy >D *egoista*
jsou hodně photoshopované, ale prakticky jen ty barvy... jsou skvělé ♥

jo a ten nadpis... jsem modrovlasá XD ♥ Doufám, že to vydrží a nevymyje se to hned oO
Později postnu nové fotky~ Myslím, že stejně nechcete furt hledět jen na můj xicht XD

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Visual kei make up tutorial ♥

I just saw amazing make up tutorial by Iira Salo. It's so beautiful. I love how it looks together with the wig and very stunning kimono *,*

you can also see another tutorials: here
and her blog here

btw, I'm very greatful for all the readers on my blog, i'm really happy ^,^)//

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Glowing red at dawn and sunset~

the title; it's just one sentence from my speech about Uluru... I had to learn some text to english conversation class.. I got A ^^

this was very busy week but I survived and then me and my friend had a Star Wars marathon ♥ I thought I won't like these movies.. they're kind of old and strange... but I liked it ^.^)//
(yeah, I have never seen it, shame on me! XD)

tenhle týden byl hrozně nabitý, ale přežila jsem ho a pak jsme si s kamarádkou udělaly Star Wars maratón ♥ Myslela jsem si, že se mi ty filmy nebudou líbit.. jsou staré a takové hrozně zvláštní... ale líbily ^.^)//
(jo, nikdy jsem je ještě neviděla, jdu se zahrabat XD)

I loved the fights *,* ♥

Yoda is very cool XD

and Darth Vader too *,*

I love R2D2, he is soo nice and cute ^^ ♥

I want lightsaber XD and Darth Vader cosplay XD ♥


next week i'm going to Animeshow in Bratislava ♥ I'm really excited about it! Finally I will see lots of my freinds, many great cosplays etc *,* and, me and my friend Arii will have Doctor Who marathon ♥ yay, can't wait~
Příští týden jedu na Animeshow do Bratislavy ♥ Hrozně se těším! Konečně po dlouhé době uvidím některé přátele ze Slovenska, plno skvělých cosplayů atd *,* potom si s Arii uděláme Doctor Who maratón ♥ yay, už se nemůžu dočkat~

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hitotsu Dake ~We Are The One~ ずっと覚えて~

so, it's already yeah (I can't believe it)...
Ganbatte Nihon! 頑張って日本!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kaya&Satsuki concert report

finally I have some time to write a bit about Kaya&Satsuki concert (Plunklock later, maybe)
I think I'll write it in bullet cuz it would be too long oO"
konečně mám trochu času napsat o koncertech, jen tak nějak v bodech, protože to bude i tak dlouhé oO

  • I went to Prague on tuesday already and I was sleeping at Iri's flat
  • ok, I didn't sleep much XD
  • we went to sleep about 3:40 am we got up at 4:50 am
  • surprisingly I wasn't tired oO
  • we went to main station to meet Hikari and Munamu (and our car driver who drove us to München)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

That awesome moment when you forget all your problems

...and you are not drunk XD

ohhh god! I feel so happy last days~ Everything goes great! I hope I didn't spoil it now (・・;)  My marks at school are much better, concerts were AWESOME! (I'll tell you later), my friends are so nice to me, I'm so happy!
And finally the seller on ebay sent me creepers! yay!!! I can't wait ^^ everything is great but I still miss somebody to love me...hmmm, maybe one day (^_^)v

(abyste neřekly, tak i česky XD)
jsem tak strašně  šťastná poslední dny~ Všechno se mi daří! Doufám, že jsem to teď nezakřikla oO Známky ve škole jsou mnohem lepší oO koncerty byly naprosto dokonalé *____* (řeknu vám později) a všichni přátelé se mě ke chovají moc hezky, mám je hrozně ráda~ *happy*
a taky konečně prodejce na ebayi po více než měsíci poslal creepersky co jsem si objednala, yay! *,* už se nemůžu dočkat! Všechno je skvělé, jen mi možná chybí někdo kdo by mě miloval... třeba někdy ^^

i'm so tired! I finally got some sleep but I'm still so exhausted ヾ( ̄0 ̄;ノ but pleasantly tired (^∇^)
I want back to München!!! 。゚(T^T)゚。 people there are so nice and I don't even speak about concert Kaya & Satsuki, ahhh *fangirling*

Jsem taaak unavená! Konečně jsem s trochu prospala ale jsem pořád vyčerpaná ヾ( ̄0 ̄;ノ ale příjemně (^∇^) Chci zpátky do Mnichova!!! 。゚(T^T)゚。 lidi jsou tam hrozně milý a přátelští a to nemluvím o koncertu *,*

that's all for now, I will write report from concerts tomorrow, i guess σ(^_^;)
to je pro zatím vše, snad brzo bude report ^^

Hikari always shows me some crazy videos or songs and I start to love it XDD *singing*
Hikari mi vždycky ukáže nějaké šílené videa nebo songy a mě se to začne hrozně líbit XD *zpívá si*

so, thats all~