Sunday, May 13, 2012

Animefest 2012

Finally I got some sleep and now I can write something about AF ^^ It took place in Brno, as usual but in new building.
After I got up, dress up and everything I went to train to Brno where my friend Yumie already waited. My train had a delay -.- Poor Yumie, all in pink sweet lolita waiting on the station alone and everybody was looking at her XD We bought Bubble tea and then we had to find a way to our hostel. It was quite complicated, it took us about 30 minutes to find our tram >,<" I hate public transport! Well in the end we got there. I dressed up into Kaito cosplay and then we went to AF.

in shortcut:

  • there were lots of nice people
  • lots of cool cosplays but also lots of kind of... weird people oO
  • after a long time I saw many of my friends ♥ (Yumie, Kira, Yuyu, Dragon, Tenshi, Daisuke, Kyuu, Sayu,...)
  • I also made lots of new friends :3
  • I and Yumie were only on two lessons, but it's enough XD
  • we traveled all day, we were in trams almost more time than on AF XD
  • after a long time I had sushi ♥
  • people in the streeats are really funny XD
  • it was really hot both days -___-"
  • I was so exhausted in the evening

me and my roommate Yumie on Saturday ♥
awesome Nazgúls *_____*

Sayu (Sebastian) with Ciel~

sweet Yumie with Ciel :3

elevator photo! XD

cool shinigami cosplay~

just hanging somewhere outside ^^

with Dragon ♥

best girls ever! luv ya ♥ :D

with beautiful Tenshi ♥

nyaa, cute wallet~

with Tessu~

my pal with Darth Maul! *-* I don't have photo with him T___T

me, listening to song from SuG ^^

best roomate ♥

lol XD

with my beautiful Daisuke, finally ♥

and with Kyuu ^^

I want to go baaack T.T it was really awesome weekend, thank all of you! ♥
btw, new design (a bit egoistic XD)


  1. Bubble tea♥ :D yummy
    moc vám ti všem slušelo :) kéž bych mohla jet taky :/ :D

  2. Páni moc ti to tam sluší! I všem ostatním!

  3. krasne fotky,nazgulovia forever :D

  4. LOL :D Jedu jedu a najednou moje foto s Darth Maulem :D nezáviď, příští nebo přespříští rok si s ním taky uděláš fotku :D
    Btw. moc ti to slušelo, ten cosplay byl bezkonkurenční ♥

    1. pff XD tak snad ten tvůj maďar zas přijede :DDD
      a děkuju moc, pal :3

  5. ♥ luv ya too! XD
    hned bych se vrátila, fakt T_________________T

    1. já taky T___T tyjo, nadávala sem na počasí a i to byhc hned vrátila x__X fuck you zimo!

  6. Super fotky! Mrzí mě, že jsem ještě na podobné akci nebyla.. Musím to někdy napravit :P

    1. jsou to skvělé akce, hlavně ti lidi za to stojí ^^ určitě někdy zajeď :)
